So, you can do the same thing just drilling into any of these categories. And followed by Too Many Balloons, GI Jose, and Adventure Squirrels. So, I know that Trapeze Cat was the number one comedy in this particular timeframe. Now, within comedy, the relative size of the boxes within this entire section represent the proportion of ticket sales among comedies. So, let's say I wanna drill into comedies. So, you can actually click through and drill into each section. So, within each of those colors that could hone in, and in fact, Excel 2016 has some cool interactivity built into some of these newer charts. Followed by comedy, then drama, then sci-fi. So, I know that horror movies drove the largest overall chunk of ticket sales. So, in this case, the gray boxes make up the biggest proportion of the entire area of my chart. Now, what this tree map is showing me is at a high level the colored sections are giving me a sense of which genres in aggregate drive the most ticket sales.

And I can just go ahead and delete that title. I see that genre is grouped and sorted, and that there are titles within genres, and a ticket sale value. So, it looked at the source data that I had selected, and it said, Okay. And in the insert menu, there's a new section in Excel 2016 that specifically includes tree maps and sunbursts. So, it's a good example of data that has natural groupings and sub-groupings that a tree map would be perfect for. So, starting with the top data set, this is ticket sales by title, by rating, by genre. I'm gonna use one to create a tree map and the other to create a sunburst chart. All right, so here we are in the tree maps and sunburst chart tab of our database exercises workbook.

And I'll show you an example of why that's so important. Second, in this one's really, really important, make sure your raw source data is already grouped and sorted before trying to create a tree map and a sunburst chart. Sunburst charts, on the other hand, are a great way to show the depth of different hierarchical levels within your data. Or when relative sizes are really important to your story. The first, use tree maps when you're only visualizing one or two hierarchical levels. All of these example data sets have natural groupings and sub-groupings. So, some examples might be: If you wanna look at relative revenue by book title, organized by genre, and sub genre or look at the number of employees by department, by office or population by city, state and region. So these types of charts are a really great way to visualize data that has natural groups or sub-grouping.

But that's all changed in 2016 with the introduction of tree maps and sunburst charts. : So, in the past, if you wanted to visualize hierarchical data, Excel was not a very good way to do that.